Project-Based Learning Implementation in Higher Education: Theoretical and Practical Issues

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Mahmoud Belmekki


These days, 21st century learners need to develop different skills in order to be successful in their academic and professional lives. To respond to these needs, educators are supposed to prepare learners to successfully accomplish diverse and complex tasks in this changing world. Therefore, innovative pedagogies including project-based learning are required to facilitate the task of 21st century teachers and learners. Although diverse new teaching and learning techniques have been suggested, the focus in this paper is on project-based learning. This paper, then, aims at discussing and reviewing project-based learning and its implementation especially in a higher education context. It outlines the challenges that professors encounter while using this teaching practice as well as suggesting some possible suggestions to overcome those obstacles. It also seeks to compare and contrast between traditional forms of teaching and project-based learning.

Key words: challenges, higher education, implementation, project-based learning, 21st century skills

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Comment citer
Belmekki, M. (2024). Project-Based Learning Implementation in Higher Education: Theoretical and Practical Issues. La Revue De La Qualité En Education, 14(24), 94–104.


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