Teacher training models: innovation strategies and implementation conditions

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Mohamed LAAFOU


In a context marked by various problems, the citizen is called upon to develop various skills necessary to access the labor market, to make choices and to participate in decision-making mechanisms.

However, this is only possible if he is able to analyze and understand the phenomena that make up and structure his environment. Education and teaching should help students develop the forms of understanding and mental habits they need to become compassionate people who can think for themselves and cope with life. To develop such skills, the education system is in high demand to induce such skills. In this context, a parallel development must concern the teacher training system. However, such an evolution implies political choices and accompanying measures, to create the conditions conducive to the training of teachers capable of deploying innovative and evolving teaching projects.

At present, the teacher's function is no longer limited to delivering knowledge in a timid context of submission, but to design and create learning conditions and situations.

In a world marked by globalization phenomena and information and communication technologies, the teacher works in a constantly changing social and economic environment. In such a developing context, professionalization, anticipation and adaptation would be major features of the teacher of tomorrow.

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How to Cite
MADRANE, M., LAAFOU, M., & JANATI-IDRISSI, R. (2020). Teacher training models: innovation strategies and implementation conditions. The Journal of Quality in Education, 10(15), 171–182. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v10i15.208


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