Impact of simulation on the acquisition of electrical concepts The case of Moroccan high school students

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Mohammed CHEKOUR
Mohamed LAAFOU


Simulation is of considerable interest in electricity, because it simplifies the study of real systems, which makes learning an easy task. In this article, we discuss how to simulate the diode bridge using the PSPICE simulator. The mounting consists of two parts: a diode rectifier which allows having a pulsating current and a smoothing device which allows a direct current. The proposed simulation allows students to change the parameters of the experiment and explore the understudy phenomenon to determine the role of computer simulations in learning the electric phenomena. To measure the degree of satisfaction of users of the simulation of the Graëtzbridge, we have programmed a questionnaire to seventy students from two Moroccan high schools. The obtained results affirm that computer simulations might be used as an alternative educational tool to help students understand the electricity concepts.

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How to Cite
CHEKOUR, M., LAAFOU, M., & JANATI-IDRISSI, R. (2016). Impact of simulation on the acquisition of electrical concepts: The case of Moroccan high school students. The Journal of Quality in Education, 6(8), 9.


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