How by applying TQM, higher educational programs enriches?

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TQM is a philosophy and system for continuously improving the services and/or products offered to customers. It can help a university provide better service to its primary customers--students and professors. The continuous improvement focus of TQM is a fundamental way of fulfilling the accountability requirements common to educational reform.
Operating a no-fear TQM system with a focus on continuous growth and improvement offers more excitement and challenge to students and teachers than a "good-enough" learning environment can provide.
This paper tends to give an overview about Total Quality Management abbreviated by TQM and its core concept due to implement it in universities in order to enrich the higher educational programs. Every body must know, TQM in Education is a timely tool, which must be clearly understood, adopted and implemented as soon as possible.

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Comment citer
RAISSI, S. (2019). How by applying TQM, higher educational programs enriches?. La Revue De La Qualité En Education, 9(13), 6.


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