Psychology and open science in Africa: why is it necessary and how can it be implemented?

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Dana Basnight BROWN
Abdelilah CHARYATE


The quality of scientific research is assessed not only by its positive impact on socio-economic development and human well-being, but also by its contribution to the development of valid and reliable scientific knowledge. As a result, researchers, regardless of their scientific discipline, are expected to adopt research practices based on transparency and rigor. However, the history of science and scientific literature tell us that a large part of scientific results cannot be reproduced systematically (Ioannidis, 2005) 1. This refers to what is commonly known as the “replication crisis” which concerns both the natural sciences and the human and social sciences, of which psychology is no exception.

In this article, we first discuss some aspects of the replication crisis and questionable research practices. Then, we discuss how we can involve more laboratories in Africa in global scientific research, including the Psychological Science Accelerator (PSA). In this sense, we will develop a tutorial for laboratories in Africa, highlighting the practices of open science. Finally, we discuss how to make psychological science more participatory and inclusive.

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AZOUAGHE, S. ., ADETULA, A., FORSCHER, P., BROWN, D. B. ., OUHERROU, N. ., CHARYATE, A. ., & IJZERMAN, H. . (2021). Psychology and open science in Africa: why is it necessary and how can it be implemented?. The Journal of Quality in Education, 11(18), 177–193.


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