Use of the case method in continuing education Challenges of receptivity and possibilities of use in the Moroccan context

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Abderrahman Hassi


This article examines the receptivity of the case method approach in continuing education in Morocco. A qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with 15 officials was undertaken. The objective was to shed light on the case method approach to staff training through three components, namely the form of instruction, the role of the trainer and the role of the learners. Interviewees said they preferred to learn in teams and had a correct answer at the end of the case study. They also underlined their preference to learn under the guidance of a firm trainer who is considered to be emile in emulation and who takes a structured approach to the case method. As for their preferred role, the interviewees prefer to play the role of apprentices and knowledge receptors in training sessions adopting the case method. These preferences are explained by the cultural values ​​of the environment in which these learners were socialized. The results of this study are intended to contribute to the establishment of good training practices in search of continuous improvement of the staff training system in the Moroccan context.

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How to Cite
Hassi, A. (2012). Use of the case method in continuing education: Challenges of receptivity and possibilities of use in the Moroccan context. The Journal of Quality in Education, 3(3), 14.


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