Lifelong learning and influencing on the quality of the society

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Juhani Anttila
Kari Jussila


Individual people are the key actors in all societies directly or indirectly through different organizations and institutions. Lifelong learning of people and its influence on the development of the societies are considered in this paper particularly from the quality point of view. In this context, we also refer to inventing, which is the cognate phenomenon of learning. Professional quality approach has proven beneficial in all areas of our societies. Education and learning should not be any exceptions. However, many cases demonstrate that performed quality measures do not deliver promises or are unsatisfactory. Also questions of the quality of education and the quality of society are most often dealt with inconsistently and ambiguously. In order to avoid ambiguity, we refer in this research to the basics of the professional quality. This conceptual research offers a consistent quality perspective on the lifelong learning of people and the organizational learning in order to improve the quality of the society. As a special aspect, we want to bring out the points of view of the strong influential individuals and the elite of the society. With the professional quality approach, our aim is to generate ideas for empirical studies, to address views of practical challenges for the education discipline as well as organizations, and to build a bridge between education and the quality expertise.

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Anttila, J., & Jussila, K. (2015). Lifelong learning and influencing on the quality of the society. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(6), 8.


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