Continuing education is an essential route for the implementation and sustainability of management systems

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Mohamed Amine M'BARKI


The implementation of quality management systems, generally within the framework of a certification process, is often and generally accompanied by an extensive training program.

These training courses generally fall within the framework of:

- Preparation of certification;

- raising staff awareness of the benefits and advantages expected from this establishment and / or certification;

- training of personnel on the quality tools necessary for the smooth running and maintenance of the system.

Thus, training constitutes a fundamental lever for the successful implementation of any QMS, but also a fundamental component of this system and one of the main elements which result from it.

In this sense, we are questioning in the context of this research on the relationship between management systems and continuing education by showing:

- the crucial role of training in the implementation of management systems;

- the position of training as an important component in management systems;

- the impact of management systems on the development of continuing education within companies.

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How to Cite
EL BAOMRANI, M., & M’BARKI, M. A. (2016). Continuing education is an essential route for the implementation and sustainability of management systems. The Journal of Quality in Education, 6(8), 9.


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