Territorial positive discrimination in education as a pole of economic development

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Education always remains at the heart of political and economic debates in Morocco. The essential questions that arise for Morocco are: How to generalize and standardize the education system throughout its territory? How to improve the quality and efficiency of education in Morocco?

The level of economic development remains fragile and sensitive, marked by an inequitable development between the 12 Moroccan regions. For this purpose, also treated what supposedly unequal is unfair. We must abandon the principle of equal treatment of pupils across the country. It is obviously a question of compensating for the initial inequalities. Putting this policy in the name of equity seems socially just. Educational justice means not only the same educational policies but having equal access and results. An egalitarian system must focus on improving the quality of the schools that serve the poorest regions of the country and the poorest classes in society. The reason is simple: a well-educated and well-groomed population will be more productive, which is a source of continuous growth that can benefit everyone. For this reason, the starting point is to establish a single school, carrying the ideals of freedom, equality, solidarity, the principles of citizenship, secularism, respect for others, universalism and unit. In addition, it is necessary to introduce digital into the education system and to diversify and encourage the learning of languages ​​(in addition to two official languages) such as English, Japanese, Chinese, we do not know who owns The world of tomorrow ?

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How to Cite
EL ALAOUI, A. (2018). Territorial positive discrimination in education as a pole of economic development. The Journal of Quality in Education, 8(11), 26. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v8i11.156


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