The effect of motivation on self-efficacy of English department students with mediational effects of learning styles and learning strategies

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Mohamed Benhima


This study aims to investigate the effect of motivation on self-efficacy among English

department students with the mediating roles of learning styles and learning

strategies. A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire has been adopted from the

Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB), the Strategy Inventory for Language

Learning (SILL) Version 7.0, the Perceptual Learning Style Preference

Questionnaire (PLSPQ) and the Academic Self-Efficacy Scales were employed, and

109 students(N=109) took part in the current study. The sampling procedure adopted

is voluntary sampling. The questionnaire showed excellent alpha Cronbach's

reliability and KMO validity. The regression and mediation analysis conducted on

the collected data show a statistically significant positive impact of motivation on

self-efficacy through a meditation of learning styles and learning strategies.

Therefore, it is highly recommended for students, teachers, and administrators to

focus on motivation to increase self-efficacy.

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Comment citer
Salma, & Benhima, M. (2024). The effect of motivation on self-efficacy of English department students with mediational effects of learning styles and learning strategies. La Revue De La Qualité En Education, 14(23), 61–91.


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