Accentuating School Infrastructural Amenities, Socio-Economic Goods and Services to Realize Quality Education in South Africa

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Isaiah Mmatipe Sefoka


The paper examines how infrastructural amenities, socio-economic goods and services, play an active role in ensuring the realization of quality education. It is an undisputed fact that teaching and learning have now become an essential tool in shaping the right to access quality education. However, quality education cannot be realized if infrastructural amenities, socio-economic goods and services are not up to standard. The judiciary, through its pronouncements has also reiterated on the significance of having a learning environment that is conducive for effective teaching and learning. This paper showcases the importance of infrastructural amenities and socio-economic goods and services, as an integral part of the realization of quality education. In doing so, the paper adopted a non-empirical approach generally acceptable in legal research activities. It concludes that the right to education is inalienable and as such, it is incumbent on the government and institutions responsible for the delivery of education, to ensure that the right is promoted and provided for at all costs. The paper recommends that the government must improve infrastructural amenities, socio-economic goods and services in schools, to create a learning environment conducive to r the realization of quality education.

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Comment citer
Sefoka, I. M. . (2022). Accentuating School Infrastructural Amenities, Socio-Economic Goods and Services to Realize Quality Education in South Africa. La Revue De La Qualité En Education, 12(20), 83–96.


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