An approach to give grade for each departments of a university based on their performances

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Sadigh Raissi


Decide on the most efficient department could help university managers to conduct their decision in a proper manner especially in their resource allocation programs, encouraging decision support systems, quality metrics and so on. Different decision maker may use different information bases, unlike relative weights to their criteria and also different uncertainty levels in their expressions. They could utilize many quantitative or qualitative methods based on their knowledge and experiences. There is no unique and commonly accepted procedure to accomplish such decision properly. This paper tends to advise a systematic approach to handle such management problems. Through this paper readers will be familiar with a simple theory and easy of use method called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the way to compare different departments in a given university based on their commonly experts expression and a sample hierarchy structure for the such desired cases. This method called Fuzzy AHP and abbreviated FAHP later. In order of more warning to the prescribed efficient method, we avoided to deliver detail arithmetical calculations.

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How to Cite
Raissi, S. (2015). An approach to give grade for each departments of a university based on their performances. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(6BIS), 7.


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