A SERVQUAL Gap Analysis Between Two Private Higher Education Institution Campuses in South Africa

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Sumei van Antwerpen
Riaan Dirkse Van Schalkwyk


Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) have expanded globally, embedding themselves in highly competitive markets. To navigate this environment, the enhancement of service quality, particularly through the SERVQUAL model, is crucial for gaining a competitive advantage. This paper addresses the gaps in the SERVQUAL application within PHEIs, focusing on their impact on service quality. The primary objective is to propose a measurement matrix to identify and analyse SERVQUAL gaps across PHEI campuses. The study compares two campuses, ABC and XYZ, and reveals significant discrepancies, particularly in the dimensions of reliability and responsiveness, where Campus ABC underperforms. These findings highlight the critical need for PHEIs to address service quality deficiencies in order to remain competitive and meet evolving student expectations. The research concludes that continuous improvement in service quality is essential for PHEIs to attract students and sustain their competitiveness in a globalised education market.

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How to Cite
van Antwerpen, S., & Van Schalkwyk, R. D. (2024). A SERVQUAL Gap Analysis Between Two Private Higher Education Institution Campuses in South Africa. The Journal of Quality in Education, 14(24), 105–119. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v14i24.446


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