Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Teaching Quality: A Systematic Review

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Jamshid Ghasemi


This comprehensive systematic review examines the evolution of teaching quality research globally from 1990 to 2019. Analyzing 182 studies, the review identifies key trends, highlighting a significant rise in academic interest since 2012. Notably, the study underscores the cross-disciplinary nature of teaching quality, emphasizing its departure from isolation. The geographical landscape of research reveals an expanding focus, particularly in Asian countries. The review further explores thematic concentrations, research designs, and authorship patterns, revealing insights into collaboration trends. Journal analysis showcases a diverse academic interest in teaching quality across various disciplines. The conclusion urges researchers to diversify perspectives for continued field development.

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How to Cite
Ghasemi, J. (2024). Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Teaching Quality: A Systematic Review. The Journal of Quality in Education, 14(23), 92–137.


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