Training management, employability and stakeholders What articulation?

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The offers of professional training at the level of Moroccan higher education establishments have increased markedly since 2008. In addition, the intensification of the process of globalization and the known changes in the world of work, have induced changes in the relationship of employment. The latter has become more complex requiring qualified graduates, with a very great capacity for adaptation and flexibility.

Employability has become a complex object designating not only reintegration after a period of unemployment but also access to and maintenance of employment. This communication focuses on the winners from vocational training (license or master) in transition to the job market and questions their employability by asking the central question: to what extent the strategic management of training involving salient stakeholders in interaction with the establishment of higher education, can contribute to a better employability of the laureates?

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How to Cite
AOULA, E.-S. (2015). Training management, employability and stakeholders: What articulation?. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(6), 11.


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