Scope and limits of distance teaching tools used by teachers from four Moroccan schools in a pandemic context The case of the "WhatsApp" application

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Abderrahmane Benrherbal
Miranda Rioux


All players in the education community remain concerned about educational inequality between rural and urban areas. With the health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation has become even more worrying. Despite concerns, there is still no comprehensive inventory of the various distance education practices used in rural areas. Our methodological approach is part of a qualitative interpretive paradigm in a collaborative perspective (Desgagné et al., 2001) of co-location, cooperation and co-production. This presentation reviews and assesses the distance education practices used in rural areas in Morocco for primary education as part of educational continuity.
Our work in fact makes it possible to identify five distance education tools: "WhatsApp", "Telmidtice" platform, "Facebook", television and distribution of school books. However, the results of the group work in the four schools studied, as well as the plenary discussions, show that after the schools closed, there was a period of trial and error between the five distance learning tools. Subsequently, the use of the application "WhatsApp" was unanimous despite the constraints of this tool. This assessment allows us to consider prospects for improving education systems.

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How to Cite
Benrherbal, A., & Rioux , M. (2023). Scope and limits of distance teaching tools used by teachers from four Moroccan schools in a pandemic context: The case of the "WhatsApp" application. The Journal of Quality in Education, 13(21), 1–11.


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