The challenges of continuing education for teachers in the Regional Centers for Education and Training Skills (CRMEF) in Morocco

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Abdesselam MILI
Lahcen TOUBI


The teacher in-service training in Morocco has experienced multiple and diverse forms at the organisational and functional levels. The resort to continuous training remains, nevertheless, weak and does not generally achieve the desired results. Currently, CRMEF[1] are the only entities responsible for the training of National Education Ministry (MEN[2]) staff (teachers, administrators, technicians ...). This mission, among others, attributed to CRMEF is in its implementation phase. Indeed, the training of teachers, which constitutes the core mission, has not yet taken momentum. Is it an institutional or pedagogical deadlock? Let’s not forget that, according to the current decree, that CRMEF and AREF[3] must coordinate with each other to achieve this mission. Yet, easier said than done. Through experimentation of the training device of the French language in the academic year 2014/2015, we will show the importance of taking into consideration certain provisions in particular: the quality of the training system, the type of motivation expected by the beneficiaries, the process of the change of representations of the people concerned, to ensure a training that could have a positive impact on the system. The nature of the new training formula is permanent, weekly and ensured at the CRMEF on a negotiated time table.


[1] Regional centres for education and teaching skills

[2] Ministry of National Education and vocational training

[3] Regional Academy for Education and Training

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How to Cite
MILI, A. ., EROUIHANE, J. ., & TOUBI, L. . (2021). The challenges of continuing education for teachers in the Regional Centers for Education and Training Skills (CRMEF) in Morocco. The Journal of Quality in Education, 11(18), 231–248.


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