Distance learning of physical and sports education in the days of the Corona Virus Case of Morocco

Main Article Content

Ayoub Koutaya
Aziz Eloirdi
Mohamed Barkaoui
Assia Marfouq
Younes Koutaya
Hamid Eloirdi


Distance training or distance learning has experienced a boom in recent years in several regions of the world. It follows from this interest that the emergence of distance learning has been remarkably advocated by higher education institutions and less and less at the secondary and college levels where face-to-face training is becoming essential. However, during the period of health crisis due to Covid-19, distance education had established itself as a new alternative mode for face-to-face education for all levels of education, and for all subjects combined. Physical and sports education (PSE) is no exception to this change. In this context, the discipline EPS has sparked a debate on the modalities of engagement of teachers of EPS to participate in distance education given the almost practical nature of the subject. Faced with this problem, EPS teachers (high school and college) found themselves forced to formalize educational content and transmit it on various media. This study contributes to the identification of the degree of commitment of PE teachers to ensure the sustainability of learning and to determine the obstacles encountered in this operation qualified as urgent. This study saw the participation of 166 teachers in two levels of secondary and college education through three regional academies in Morocco. The results showed both the lack of communication between the inspectors of the EPS and the teachers of the subject, and the coordination between the teachers within the teaching units.




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How to Cite
Koutaya, A., Eloirdi, A., Barkaoui, M., Marfouq, A., Koutaya, Y., & Eloirdi, H. (2020). Distance learning of physical and sports education in the days of the Corona Virus: Case of Morocco. The Journal of Quality in Education, 10(16), 122–143. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v10i16.230
Author Biographies

Ayoub Koutaya, Hassan First University





Aziz Eloirdi, Hassan First University






Mohamed Barkaoui, Hassan First University




Assia Marfouq, Hassan First University



Younes Koutaya, Mohammed V University Rabat



Hamid Eloirdi, University Ibn Tofail




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