The difference in perception between teachers and first-year students with regard to the effective teacher and effective teaching

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Khadija ESSAFI


The purpose of this study is to highlight the significant differences emerging from a comparison between the perceptions of teachers and first-year students of the SVT license vis-à-vis the characteristics of the effective teacher and the teaching. 41 teachers and 290 students, from the Biology department of the Dhar El Mehraz faculty of Science, were asked to rank 60 items according to their degree of importance on a Likert scale. It has been found that students are mainly vulnerable to university entrance, opt for academic and emotional support characteristics. On their part, teachers, aware of the problems and constraints that these students face, strive to provide remedies for their affiliation and their fulfillment.

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MKHADRAMINE, S., & ESSAFI, K. (2020). The difference in perception between teachers and first-year students with regard to the effective teacher and effective teaching. The Journal of Quality in Education, 10(15), 147–170.


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