The educational relationship, at the crossroads of the social, the institutional and the emotional

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Samira AMMOR


This contribution questions, on an epistemological level, the functioning of social inequalities at school and the factors that interfere to accentuate them at school level or, on the contrary, limit them. In this analysis, a first focus will be on social determinism as an approach explaining this reproduction. We will then question its functioning at school level. How does it interfere with the school context? What are the factors that strengthen it? What are the factors that reduce it? How does it relate to the institutional effect, as well as the teaching effect in student success?

In a second step, we will approach the educational relationship as a variable of school performance acting at the intersection between the social, the institutional and the psychoaffective. For this, we will question the determinants of the relationship between teachers and students, their interactive modes, and their repercussions on the success, or failure, of students. How does the relationship work on the level of representations and attitudes of teachers towards their pupils? By what mechanisms and what interferences with social and institutional factors? How is the teaching effect structured in an unequal educational institution? Finally, is it sufficiently active to manage to spur, in certain cases, the academic destiny of the pupils, to the point of exerting on them the Pygmalion effect, or on the contrary to develop a process of resilience?

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How to Cite
AMMOR, S. (2020). The educational relationship, at the crossroads of the social, the institutional and the emotional. The Journal of Quality in Education, 10(15), 20.


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