Which Moroccan preschool education for which school? Meknes case

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This study is part of research which aims to assess the current state of pre-school education in Morocco in general and in Meknes in particular. It was carried out using face-to-face interviews with the various officials within the regional education and training academy Meknès-Tafilalet as well as with the Meknes delegation. This allowed us to investigate official documents and analyze the state of pre-school education and curricula. A questionnaire was also administered to a representative sample of preschool educators at 67 institutions. Research has revealed that the pre-school offer in Morocco remains limited and unsatisfactory in terms of quality as well as quantity, despite the adoption of the emergency program (2009-2012) which aimed to generalize education again quality preschool. Almost all of the pre-school establishments are private (Kouttab and modern establishments) and unevenly distributed across all of the municipalities. Many of them do not meet the specifications drawn up by the competent educational authorities. Too great a diversity of curricula coupled with a lack of professional qualifications for educators only undermines the quality of this type of education. All these points correspond to obstacles and challenges that the Moroccan government must overcome in order to develop and improve pre-school education in Moroccan territory.

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How to Cite
AMEZIANE, N., & LAMHASNI, N. (2019). Which Moroccan preschool education for which school? Meknes case. The Journal of Quality in Education, 9(13), 15. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v9i13.177


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