Place of the environment in the Moroccan curricula of Life and Earth Sciences in the secondary education

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One of the main challenges facing our societies is the management of environmental problems. Education and training are essential motors for raising awareness of sustainable development. Morocco has always experienced reforms in its education system, the most striking of which have been introduced recently. The curricula were analyzed in such a way as to have introduced changes in the curricula such as the integration of new teaching themes, among others subjects relating to environmental problems. With regard to teaching methods, the supervisory ministry adopted the skills-based approach after the establishment of the national education and training charter.

The present study conducted in 2016 aims to assess the various tools deployed by the Moroccan school, particularly in life and earth sciences in the secondary cycle in order to sensitize young learners to environmental problems. For this we have analyzed the curriculum and textbooks extensively and then we have carried out a survey in ten secondary schools in order to check the availability and suitability of teaching materials. The results showed that the presence of content aimed at developing specific skills linked to the environment is still insufficient in this sense. Indeed, we noted not only a gap affecting the quantitative aspect of the environmental subject but also the qualitative aspect. Furthermore, we noted a dominance of the informative style which presumes a weak involvement of the learner in the construction of knowledge. Added to this is the problem of almost absent teaching materials.

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How to Cite
AMEZIANE, N. (2018). Place of the environment in the Moroccan curricula of Life and Earth Sciences in the secondary education. The Journal of Quality in Education, 8(11), 19.


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