Imminent failure: looking for a profile

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Alain Largillier
Nadine Meskens
Jean-Philippe Vandamme


Faced with the observation, both in Belgium and in France, of the low success rates in the first university year, we sought to identify the profile of students who risk finding themselves in a situation of failure at the end of the year. They will therefore be able to benefit from targeted actions carried out by the university in order to increase their probability of success, before the first assessments.

A questionnaire was developed and distributed at the beginning of the year, and this for two years, to students of the Faculty of Science and Technology of a French university, of an IUT (Technological University Institute) of the same university and from the Faculty of Sciences of a Belgian university. Each student could be described using 375 variables. In this article, we present the analysis of the results obtained.

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How to Cite
AHUES, M., Largillier, A., Meskens, N., & Vandamme, J.-P. (2011). Imminent failure: looking for a profile. The Journal of Quality in Education, 2(2), 12.


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