Would the Professional Training Sector Take the Advantage of the Virtual Environment that Was Presented Forcefully by COVID-19?

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Maitham Aloraibi
Amira Karam
Amal AlSorani


This applied research looks into the effectiveness of the virtual learning environment in the delivery of corporate and professional courses since the training provider was forced to shift to this mode of delivery since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 circumstances. 

In literature, the effectiveness of virtual delivery in the basic schooling and higher education sectors is well researched and heavily debated amongst scholars and practitioners, especially during this pandemic. This is not the case, however, in the professional and corporate training field as this sector is often regarded as a voluntary provision that warrants the least priority to invest in during a global crisis; the like of COVID-19. The purpose of the research is to measure the effectiveness of virtual training provision, and how this mode of learning can help in developing skills and supporting learning to achieving their learning objectives.  The effectiveness evaluation in this research was measured from the perspective of the end-user (the learner). 

The research involved a quantitative questionnaire that was answered by 367 respondents amongst trainees who were enrolled in various professional training courses, post COVID-19, in virtual mode. The questionnaire items were purposely designed to gauge the learners’ satisfaction as a measure of effectiveness and quality of the virtual training environment. The questionnaire was distributed and administered electronically via a mass emailing campaign. Upon collecting the responses, the data was quantitatively analysed using descriptive quantitative analysis. 

The analysis of the data indicates indeed high satisfaction rates amongst learners (more than 72% were satisfied, or higher). The effectiveness of virtual learning in helping trainees achieve their learning objectives and make good progress, however, was lower than the overall satisfaction rate. After months of riding the learning curve of the virtual learning experience, the learners showed mixed picture of reflection on their preferred mode of delivery in the future. Almost a third of the learners opted for blended learning mode, whereas nearly another third preferred virtual, and the remaining liked to go back to physical classes. 

This research indicates that virtual learning is apparently lending itself to be a feasible mode of delivery of professional training courses. Its effectiveness, as perceived by the beneficiaries, is proven to continue improve as it matures over time. The prospect of this virtual learning methodology looks positive indeed despite the newness of its application on a massive scale post the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Aloraibi, M., Karam, A. ., & AlSorani , A. . (2022). Would the Professional Training Sector Take the Advantage of the Virtual Environment that Was Presented Forcefully by COVID-19?. La Revue De La Qualité En Education, 12(20), 52–68. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v12i20.325


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