When to evaluate differently allows to learn differently From learning to assessment and from assessment to learning

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Hannes De Vriese


For the past few years, French college students have been assessed not only by grades but also by validating the skills of the common core of the college, a tool which must bring the French school system closer to European standards. To integrate the common foundation in his practice, the teacher must lead a pedagogical reflection, questioning the functioning and the objectives of this new form of evaluation. We will offer here an analysis of writing sessions set up in French and organized around the assessment of three skills of the base. Can we conceive using this tool a new approach to school writing? Is it possible to reconcile assessment and learning? One will wonder how the base, which replaces the numerical notation by the evaluation of competences, influences the course of the sessions, the work of the pupils, their motivation and their services.

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How to Cite
De Vriese, H. (2012). When to evaluate differently allows to learn differently: From learning to assessment and from assessment to learning. The Journal of Quality in Education, 3(3), 10. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v3i3.88


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