Improving the quality of training using academic and professional certification

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Academic or professional certification is a set of processes and standards that measure the level of competence at a given time.

Modern companies no longer require traditional diplomas traditionally issued by universities or schools, but require certifications to validate specific skills in specific fields verified in an international framework.

In this article, we return briefly to the definition of training and that of certification. We establish the link between the two as well as the role and advantages of certification for good training. We then study the difference between a professional certification and an academic certification. We continue with the presentation of some examples of certifications in the field of ICT, as well as the impact of these certifications on the success of the laureates in professional life.

Finally, we will present the experience of the Normal School of Technical Education (ENSET) in Mohammedia, in the field of academic certification.

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How to Cite
CHOUGDALI, S., ROUDANE, A., & REBBANI, A. (2014). Improving the quality of training using academic and professional certification. The Journal of Quality in Education, 4(5), 14.


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