Practices for the evaluation of learning in higher education Case of the Ben M'Sik Faculty of Science

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Mohammed TALBI
Mohamed RADID


At university as at other levels of education, assessment is an integral part of the daily tasks of teachers.
The objective of this article is to examine the practices of the evaluation of learning in higher education and in particular at the Ben M'Sik faculty of sciences, after ten years of adoption of the LMD system (License, Master, Doctorate).
The methodology of this study is based on the dispatch of a questionnaire to a group of teachers who answered several items relating to these six dimensions: Discipline, course characteristics, assessment tools, teaching practices. evaluation, teacher / student communication and the involvement of the teaching staff in improving the evaluation of learning.
A second questionnaire was sent to students from the same college, consisting of three dimensions: Pathway, Teacher / student communication, assessment practices.
This study allowed us to detect a dysfunction in the evaluation of learning due to certain learning conditions (Staff, material and human resources ...) and certain practices and which relate to:
• Course objectives.
• The absence of a repository of controls and examinations.
• Teacher / student communication.
• The skills targeted by the assessment.
• The evaluation of the required meadows.
• The assessment tools used that are not diverse.
• Analysis of student errors.

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How to Cite
TAMANI, S., TALBI, M., & RADID, M. (2014). Practices for the evaluation of learning in higher education: Case of the Ben M’Sik Faculty of Science. The Journal of Quality in Education, 4(5), 16.


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