E-Test, a collaborative e-learning platform, a model of multimedia educational content and an online shared document server for the benefit of universities

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Khalifa Mansouri
Mohammed QBADOU
Badreddine SABIR


This article presents our e-learning, e-test, examinations, certificates and online positioning tests for the benefit of establishments at Hassan II Mohammedia Casablanca University. This platform meets three needs: the integration of new Internet and Web technologies in teaching and research activities to improve their quality, the production of digital educational resources and services accessible to students and teachers, and rationalization of human resources, material and logistical resources.
The application of a two-dimensional approach: pedagogy centered on learners and technique based on a Web architecture, guaranteed us a simple, effective, reusable, extensible and interoperable e-learning solution.
Our platform can easily be extended to all Moroccan universities.
Our platform exploits the economic and functional advantages brought by digital technologies in educational contexts. It provides an effective solution to the problems of increasing student enrollment and insufficient resources. The E-Test solution also made it possible to increase the productivity of the university by setting up a rapid process allowing to take online exams, significantly reducing vacation costs and reducing room overload. .

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How to Cite
Mansouri, K., QBADOU, M., & SABIR, B. (2014). E-Test, a collaborative e-learning platform, a model of multimedia educational content and an online shared document server for the benefit of universities. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(5BIS), 15. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v5i5BIS.50


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