Quality of learners at the start of each educational process

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The education system is organized in the form of cycles, each feeding the one following it with learners. They will continue their studies in the destination cycle, and their future will certainly depend, at least in part, on the quality of the skills acquired in the previous cycle. Given the divergences and disparities existing between the different cycles, mainly due to the fact that each responds to its own design logic, and the lack of coordination between them, there is a huge lack of quality to gain at the interface cycles. The orientation system, which acts as a supply service, must be renovated to strengthen educational quality, but it is not the only one. It is also necessary to help the orientation counselors, to assess the quality of the learners at their fair value, to set up partnership links between the cycles, to help each other in favor of quality, and to establish reception control systems at the entry of each cycle, supported by corrective and preventive measures.

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How to Cite
NAJI, A. (2019). Quality of learners at the start of each educational process. The Journal of Quality in Education, 9(14), 16. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v9i14.197


La norme internationale de la qualité ISO 9000 :2000
La norme française NF X50-128
LEGENDRE, R. 1988. Dictionnaire actuel de l'éducation. Paris-Montréal : LAROUSSE.
DELANDSHEERE, G. 1980. Evaluation continue et examens, précis de docimologie. Paris : FERNAND-NATHAN.