A non-formal experience of introducing the analysis of practices in the training of teachers at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Education and Training in Dakar

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El Hadji Habib CAMARA


This article relates to the description of an experience of introduction of the analysis of practices in initial training at the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Education and Training of the University Cheikh Anta DIOP of Dakar; this is an initiative which aims to fill certain shortcomings noted in the training of teachers in recent years, by putting student teachers in a system allowing them to criticize their practices, to be criticized by their peers in a dynamics of sharing that should lead to the production of common knowledge from their practices; knowledge that could serve as a benchmark for their internship.

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How to Cite
CAMARA, E. H. H. (2017). A non-formal experience of introducing the analysis of practices in the training of teachers at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Education and Training in Dakar. The Journal of Quality in Education, 7(10), 9. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v7i10.143


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