Evaluation and Improvement of education and schooling systems Emphasizing the fifth article of needs analysis (in social, cultural, psychological and economical needs analysis)

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Different evaluation approaches have yet been used to provide sufficient feedback to assess how well the integrated training system is functioning and what impact it has made on service delivery. Informal feedback is provided through built-in evaluation mechanisms. Formal assessments, including special surveys, are conducted to determine the impact of training methodologies, change in national and institutional capacity to produce competent providers and ultimately the ability of providers to offer high quality reproductive educational services.   

    As literature indicates, there are different curricula types among which the learner-oriented type differs a little from the unitary approaches to syllabus design. Indeed, in unitary approaches learners were fed an undifferentiated diet regardless of their ends and needs. But as the learner-centered approach as its name indicates, in this sort of curriculum focus is on the learner. That is, the content of the courses should reflect the purposes for which the learners have come to class. Besides, as learning and learning processes are two sides of the same pedagogical coin, therefore some elements seem to be more worthy of being taken into account than others. Among them are learner needs, learner roles and contributions and learner choices.  

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ASSAREH, A., & PAZHAKH, A. (2019). Evaluation and Improvement of education and schooling systems: Emphasizing the fifth article of needs analysis (in social, cultural, psychological and economical needs analysis). La Revue De La Qualité En Education, 9(14), 11. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v9i14.192


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