Non university study programme development: background and quality assessment in Lithuania

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The article analyses the origin of non university study programmes and their development problems. A special attention is devoted to ,curriculum, as this term had enormous influence when preparing the principles of how to develop non university curriculums as well as when developing curriculums themselves. The first drafts of non university study programmes were presented to the Ministry of Education and Science in 1999. This article summarizes assessment results of study programmes developed in 1999-2002, based on expert methodology and questionnaire methodology, as well as qualitative and quantitative indicators. The results have indicated that there were some problems, such as lack of professors' pedagogical and scientific competence, the necessity to describe the concrete training trend document as well as lack of vocational training standards. To develop high quality non university study programmes it is necessary to set and give some scientific grounding to assessment criteria and results based on assessment scale. Solid quality assessment system necessary for international study quality and Bologna declaration ideas.

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Comment citer
ZIBENIENE, G. (2017). Non university study programme development: background and quality assessment in Lithuania. La Revue De La Qualité En Education, 7(10), 10.


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