From e-Learning to e-Learning 2.0 What impact on the quality of learning

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Mounia ABIK


Lately with the native generation also called generation Y one finds more and more difficulty in imposing on the learners to use the platforms at a distance. It is a generation that comes today with new lifestyle habits different from ours. They learned to communicate, collaborate and share at a distance by forming communities around centers of interest. At the same time, we are talking more and more about e-Learning 2.0 which is based on Web 2.0. The latter provides generation Y with personalized environments for living in a remote society. The objective of this paper is to answer the following questions: what is the motivation to switch to e-Learning 2.0? What is the impact of this new way of training on the quality of learning? What is the role of the teacher in this new learning environment? What are the educational and technical challenges to be met?

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How to Cite
ABIK, M. (2014). From e-Learning to e-Learning 2.0: What impact on the quality of learning. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(5BIS), 9.


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