Knowledge elites An informational approach

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Nikolay LITVAK


From the point of view of the information approach, any society, not only modern, is a knowledge or information society. The possession of knowledge is one of the essential and inalienable characteristics of the human being. A society must first reproduce and then it can develop. This reproduction and this development can take place in different directions - and that is a question of values.
The whole elite, including that of knowledge, is a historical phenomenon. It emerged as the conversion of the elitism of strength, power or wealth, into elitism in the sense of having the greatest number and the best knowledge by providing children born in good families with the best teachers .
However, the fact that the elites continue to exist today means stopping this otherwise natural path at the expense of the potential of general "elite" education. Another such possible scenario consists in the total propagation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge to "non-experts", first among all parents, especially future parents.

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How to Cite
LITVAK, N. (2015). Knowledge elites: An informational approach. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(6), 7.


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