Organisational pilotage and socio spatial configuration of the preparatory groups in the City of Yaoundé (Cameroon)

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Lionel Kana
Loudi Mounchikpou


There is a proliferation of preparatory groups in the city of Yaoundé. These non-educational projects remain a very essential for a good number of candidates willing to make their ways into the prestigious professional institutions of training of the country. This study examines the decision-making processes that contribute to the choice of activity sites by the managers and promotors of these services. In other words, what are the indicators that explain and govern the choice of activity sites by the managers of these educational organizations? Two theoretical approaches are considered: the optimization localizations of Von Thuner`s (1826) and the limited rationality in the decision making of Herbert Simon (1978). The study is mixed and triangular adopts the empirical-deductive approach. It moves on tree stages: observation, content analysis and the administration of the questionnaire to the different pilots of the preparatory groups (n=50). The map showing the distribution of different preparatory groups in Yaoundé reveals that the localization of these educational projects takes into consideration the presence of the university milieu and the professional schools, but also the presence of secondary and primary schools which provide a conducive environment for the different activities of teaching, learning and training.

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How to Cite
Kana, L., & Mounchikpou, L. (2024). Organisational pilotage and socio spatial configuration of the preparatory groups in the City of Yaoundé (Cameroon). The Journal of Quality in Education, 14(23), 155–166.


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