The Challenges Experienced by Visually Impaired Students in Moroccan Universities

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Halima Tahiri


The current study aims to investigate the challenges and the barriers that encounter visually impaired students in the educational environment, particularly in Moroccan universities. To find out these challenges and barriers, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with 15 visually impaired students from the majority of Moroccan universities through interviews to explain the challenges that these students experience in their studies mainly during the exam. Equally important, this research will examine the impacts of these challenges on the academic performance of this kind of population with disabilities in Morocco. The study found out that students with visual impairment experience four main challenges in Moroccan Universities including administrative, academic, environmental, and social difficulties. On the basis of these findings, a set of recommendations to Moroccan policymakers was made to respond properly to the needs of persons with disabilities, and to deal with these challenges that visually impaired students face when learning and taking exams in higher education regularly.  Indeed, this research will play a crucial role in raising the awareness of Moroccan universities about the meaning of inclusive education and the importance of creating an inclusive and diverse environment where visually impaired students can lean equally as their non-visually impaired peers.

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How to Cite
Tahiri, H. (2023). The Challenges Experienced by Visually Impaired Students in Moroccan Universities. The Journal of Quality in Education, 13(22), 1–11.


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