Policy Framework Surrounding Women Economic Participation in Jordan

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Women situation in the MENA Region countries, have long lived under difficult economic and social conditions, have the worst gender equality rankings according to the Global Gender Gap Index 2017.

(The Global Gender Gap report is an annual insight report that is carried out by the World Economic Forum. This tool shows vital gender-based indicators to determine the performance of each of the selected 144 countries.)

Some of these indicators are:i) economic participation and opportunity, ii) health and educational attainment, iii) political empowerment, vi) workforce, v) skill sets, and vi) educational degrees.

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How to Cite
EL-SAIES, N. (2018). Policy Framework Surrounding Women Economic Participation in Jordan. The Journal of Quality in Education, 8(11), 15. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v8i11.161