Elements of a stabilization strategy in the South for qualified personnel and researchers

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Marie-Thérèse Oliver-Saidi


A few avenues will be explored for the countries of the South to stem the brain drain, an essential priority for setting off an economic take-off. First, strengthen local higher education by promoting sectors of excellence, diversifying the routes offered and accepting, without taboo but with guarantees, private universities with assets and handicaps that are now well known. Contribute also to the financing of studies of deserving students, effectively manage student and teaching mobility, and finally offer real professional opportunities to graduates. In this spirit, it is important that these countries develop research and investment poles bringing together companies, universities and laboratories, using various forms of partnerships: support for business development, training export, interuniversity research cooperation, diaspora networks ..., there are many options in the North, collaboration on projects and participation in development programs. The promotion of these centers should articulate various types of financing: financial flows from migrants, contribution of private and corporate funds, institutional programs, national public credits. It is also important not to neglect primary and secondary education and to promote an open pedagogy, developing intellectual curiosity, critical thinking by launching original initiatives such as the operation "La main à la Pâte" in France. The recourse to relocations in the countries of the North will necessarily have as a corollary development opportunities for the South, thus ensuring a better global balance.

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How to Cite
Oliver-Saidi, M.-T. (2010). Elements of a stabilization strategy in the South for qualified personnel and researchers. The Journal of Quality in Education, 1(1), 15. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v1i1.129


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