The development of personality profiling systems on the assessment of individual performance for the betterment of training programme

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Muhammad Nubli Abdul Wahab
Suriyakumar Sinnadurai
Mohd Azam Mohd


Training performance can be measured by a number of outputs resulting from completing individual activities in a training programme. A good training programme enhances knowledge, skills, and attitudes which enable individuals to improve their performance. This paper has come up with a computerized heuristics system to assess individual's personality. It utilizes an expert system mode to assess individual's performance rather than utilizing manual assessments as currently being employed. The system is able to identify individual's personality strength and weaknesses and offer a detail evaluation and explanation on each individuals personality. The clarifications are important for each individual to understand their own behavior and how this can relate to their working performance. It is also useful to prevent assigning job tasks which do not fit with individual's traits and personalities. By utilizing the system, the user is able to explore the individual's personality and also in assisting the trainer in identifying suitable training programmes for their clients.

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How to Cite
Abdul Wahab, M. N., Sinnadurai, S., & Mohd, M. A. (2011). The development of personality profiling systems on the assessment of individual performance for the betterment of training programme. The Journal of Quality in Education, 2(2), 17.


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