Psychological empowerment as a predictor of quality in training A glance at the Portuguese context

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Isabel Gomes
Joaquim Luis Coimbra
Isabel Menezes


This paper analyses the model of Adult Education and Training (AET) in Portugal, taking into consideration the two available reports on this recent domain, which reveal that empowerment is a prescriptive goal. However, this construct continues to be ill defined.
The empowerment theory suggested by Zimmerman and colleagues, particularly the psychological empowerment construct, shows enough consistency with the AET model to consider that it might contribute to the management of quality in training.
These reports also state the urge for better, more inclusive and more reliable measures in assessing quality in training. Contributions of the empowerment theory to this matter are discussed, attempting to analyze and operationalize it in this specific domain.

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How to Cite
Gomes, I., Coimbra, J. L., & Menezes, I. (2011). Psychological empowerment as a predictor of quality in training: A glance at the Portuguese context. The Journal of Quality in Education, 2(2), 11.


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