The Quality Whirlwind in the Higher Medical Education

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Nino Chikhladze


Globalize World demands to realize Higher Education for making most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.
Higher Education is an important factor in further enhancing research in underpinning Higher Education for the economic and cultural development of our societies and for social cohesion. The effort to introduce structural change and improve the quality of teaching should not detract from the effort to strengthen research and innovation.
Ministers meeting in Berlin in September 2003 added an Action Line to the Bologna process entitled "European Higher Education Area and European Research Area "“ two pillars of the knowledge based society" that underlines the key role of research training in this context. Bergen Communique (2005) has chosen 3 priorities including quality assurance (internal/external quality assurance) and appealed to,, Strengthen research, innovation, emphasize the importance of research and research-training''. In London Communique (2007) is marked that,, Higher Education Institutions should continue to develop their internal system of quality assurance''.
The task of Higher Medical Education everywhere is the provision of Health Care. Notwithstanding variations, there is a high degree of equivalence of structure, process, and product of medical school worldwide.
Research is an integral part of Higher Medical Education: increasing the role and relevance of research to technological, social and cultural evolution and to the needs of Society.

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How to Cite
Chikhladze, N. (2015). The Quality Whirlwind in the Higher Medical Education. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(6BIS), 7.