The impact of the GENIE program on the qualification of human resources

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Mohamed Khalil Zarhouti
Mohammed Mouradi


Continuing education goes hand in hand with the qualification of the targeted people, since this training is always at the service of the organization and the individual himself. Consequently, the aim therefore, of our work is to seek to what extent the GENIE program contributed to the improvement of learning through the integration of ICT. In fact, the objective of this program is to generalize the use of information and communication technologies in educational establishments and to qualify human resources in the matter. For this, we adopt the Visi-Tic model, developed by P.Coen and J. Schumacher (2006), which is used to assess the degree of penetration of an innovation. In addition, we designed and carried out a survey in the form of a questionnaire, with 52 teachers from different disciplines.

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How to Cite
Zarhouti, M. K., & Mouradi, M. (2014). The impact of the GENIE program on the qualification of human resources. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(5BIS), 11.


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