Student perceptions of quality education in the faculty of engineering at Sana’a University

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Tarek A. H. Barakat
M. A. Algorafi


There is a growing interest in improving the quality of higher education in Yemen. This is evident from the adoption of curriculum reviews by various universities, conferences centring around the quality of education, as well as the various institutions focusing on the quality of education. The drive has focused mainly on the perspective of the teaching profession. Little research has focused on the perspective of the students. This is viewed by the authors as a missing link since the students are the beneficiaries of the education they receive. Thereby, it is viewed as a fundamental perspective which should be incorporated in the overall drive for enhancing the quality of higher education in Yemen. This research attempts to bring the perspective of the students at the final year at the various departments in the Faculty of Engineering at Sana’a University. It is important for the various departments to know what students perceive as important and to evaluate their performance in the various factors in order to focus their efforts on the important factors where their performance is found to need attention. The research uses a quantitative approach using surveys to provide the student perspective on the weights of various factors that affect the quality of their education as well as the performance of the department on each of the factors.

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How to Cite
Barakat, T. A. H. ., & Algorafi, M. A. . (2022). Student perceptions of quality education in the faculty of engineering at Sana’a University . The Journal of Quality in Education, 12(19), 201–227.


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