Teachers' attitudes towards ICT integration Nursing education case

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Nowadays, information and communication technologies have taken a large scale in the various social fields and especially in education. The integration of these technologies into education has undergone a global revolution where student learning has been promoted by improving the quality of education.
However, teachers' feelings of self-efficacy and attitudes can constitute an internal barrier that could influence the pedagogical integration of ICT in the classroom.
The aim of this communication is to establish a diagnosis on the attitudes of teachers in the nursing field towards the integration of ICT, and especially on the obstacles which hinder this integration. Thus, the following study is based mainly on the technique of the questionnaire with closed items, intended for teachers of the Higher Institute of Nursing Professions and Health Techniques of Tetouan and its annex in Tangier, during the period from July - October 2015 .
The results obtained showed that the majority of teachers interviewed displayed positive attitudes towards the integration of ICT in teaching and were able to integrate them into their professional practices. This demonstrates the willingness of teachers to integrate ICT, thus attaching significant educational value to these technologies.
On the other hand, the success or failure of this integration in learning depends on the ability of teachers to conduct such teachings and to solve the problems induced by ICT. Hence, a need for training in computer science and in the conduct of learning sequences integrating ICT.

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REGURAGUI, S., EL OUALI EL ALAMI, I., & RAGHAY, K. (2014). Teachers’ attitudes towards ICT integration: Nursing education case. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(5BIS), 8. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v5i5BIS.17


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