Facilitating the "Elite" in innovation acquisition An overrated concept or, a necessity?

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Denise Shelley NEWNHAM


Innovation is a term that features in more than 40 000 web searches. Innovation is often confused with other terms such as creativity. Scott (2012) maintains that creativity is only part of the process of innovation. Educating the youth for tomorrows' world requires harnessing innovative measures where theoretical concepts are woven into the practical every-day (Newnham, 2015; Virkkunen, Newnham, Nleya & Engeström, 2012; Miettinen, 2005, 2009) and that of our tomorrow land. Christensen and Overdorf (2000) developed the concept of disruptive innovations. They state that disruptive innovations are derived from disruptive technologies. Disruptive innovations are those that have a new use or exchange value (Ollman, 2003) and eventually disrupt an existing practice and its value network.
Whilst developed nation states attempt to contend with the disruption of ICT's use in learning spaces, developing countries attempt to catch up to the international models of education.
Morocco's education mission and vision has not produced the desired outcomes and a new coalition with USAID had been drawn up until 2020. New strategies are being designed to overcome existing problems such as levels of illiteracy, dropout rate and student motivation. This text explores the possibilities of innovative models of education and provides concrete suggestions from noted scholars in the field.

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How to Cite
NEWNHAM, D. S. (2017). Facilitating the "Elite" in innovation acquisition: An overrated concept or, a necessity?. The Journal of Quality in Education, 7(10), 17. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v7i10.149


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