The Development of the Romanian Academic Research on the Academy of Economic Studies The First Lessons as a European Union Member State

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Roxana SARBU
Anca Gabriela ILIE


 Interdisciplinary academic research is one way to improve education quality via research as this implies scientific development, incorporating high technology into academic processes as well as formulating innovation-driven processes and services. Having these objectives in mind, the current project seeks to act along two major directions: on the one hand, improving the quality of academic research, on the other hand boosting its efficiency and noteworthiness on a world scale. The first vista aims to strengthen academic research capacities, which must be achieved by having education processes meet knowledge-based economy exigencies. From the perspective of this research under discussion, this paper explores the effects of European integration on the quality of Romanian economic higher education in its positioning on the European educational market and the attempts to define its specific profile in the central and eastern-European area. The authors raise questions regarding the roles universities want to play in the future, regarding the awareness towards the needs of the institutions, the needs of the teaching and research staff and, mainly, the needs of the students. On a particularly aggressive market, it becomes necessary that Romanian academic research and higher education on the Academy of Economic Studies should reflect on the first lessons which the new status of the country's European Union membership gives to the Romanian prestigious universities.

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How to Cite
SARBU, R., ILIE, A. G., & DUMITRIU, D. (2010). The Development of the Romanian Academic Research on the Academy of Economic Studies: The First Lessons as a European Union Member State. The Journal of Quality in Education, 1(1), 9.


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